Friday, March 5, 2010


This cake was pretty simple. A bunt pan cake and cupcakes. I was attempting to do BLACK ICING but it turned out Silver (dont ask me what colors I used, because I was just throwing different food coloring in by the end to try to make it work!)

A stereotypical JULIE and JULIA story?

Time passes so quickly!

The past few months have wipped by! First Christmas, Newyears, then the annual newyears resolution kick, then Williams Birthday and my return to work. WOW lots has happened!

I have been trying to get on to this blog all morning and it seems with the passing of time all my passwords have also PASSED, straight out of my head! But at last I figured it out, and TADAAAA! IM back.

Im trying to figure out what Im going to use this blog for. Updates on the family of course but Im inspired by the JULIE and JULIA idea (however I have never seen the movie or read the book, ;)) and I think that i may use this blog to show case some of my crafty achievements and disasters! I have been really enjoying Cake decorating over this past year and I have tonnes to learn still so as I dabble in this activity I think i will use this Blog to showcase my blunders!
I also have been crocheting over the past few years and have been enjoying that quite abit. So you may even see some of those projects posted.
I would love to get your feed back and advice as I continue to experiement with these crafty adventures!

Until next time, Hope all is well!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Beginning & Season's Greetings!

Well Welcome all to the first Russell Hustle blog post!

We have started this blog as a avenue to keep in touch with our friends and family.
To let people, who we unfortunately do not get to see often, know how we are doing.

As most of you know, we moved to Whitecourt, AB, at the end of September. We are really enjoying small town living, and the convince of living 5 minutes away from everything!

William is growing everyday and is crawling and getting into EVERYTHING! He keeps us busy day and night chasing him away from dog dishes, stairs, electrical cords and other things that he finds to get in to! He has quite the personality and is a lot of fun! We are pretty much ready for his first Christmas! A Christmas that will be more for mommy and daddy then William, but I'm sure he will enjoy the wrapping paper and boxes! HA HA.
He sat on Santa's lap for the first time a couple weeks ago. And although he did not like posing for the camera, he did freak out until right at the end of our session! He is loving our Christmas tree, he has effectively pulled all the lower Christmas ornaments off and chases them around the floor. And although Christmas baking has been tough (as he is allergic to Milk) he has samples a few treats, and unfortunately it looks like he has his mom's sweet tooth, (luckily he is built like his dad!).

WE will be heading down to Calgary to spend Christmas with our Families. Then we are going to celebrate New Years at home!

We hope you all have a great HOLIDAY SEASON!


Lyndsay, Clayton & William.